New Year New Unicorn!

As we begin the New Year, it's the perfect time to reflect on our personal and professional goals and create a plan for how to achieve them.

At Unicorn Studios, we foster an environment of collaboration and support among our coworkers. We like to encourage each other to set goals and take on new challenges throughout the year. It's great to be able to celebrate individual successes together!

The New Year is the perfect time to reflect on our personal and professional goals.

Sharing New Year's resolutions

Sharing New Year’s resolutions with fellow coworkers can be a great opportunity to build relationships. Listening to what people say about their successes and struggles can foster mutual understanding and be a valuable source of inspiration and motivation. It can also help you gain a better perspective on the goals you are trying to achieve.

When you invite others to contribute their ideas and perspectives, it can make personal resolutions more achievable. Being accountable to others and receiving encouragement is often morale boosting and motivating.

In coworking studios, more experienced freelancers and business owners may be able to advise on practical steps that could make your goals more achievable.

New Year's resolutions for coworkers

Reflect on past successes and challenges

The New Year is a great time to reflect on successes and challenges from the past year and set goals for the upcoming one.

One great way to help each other to achieve New Year's resolutions is to share ideas and gain inspiration. Instead of setting unrealistic goals for yourself that are hard to keep, form collective goals and resolutions that will make your work life more enjoyable, and develop a shared sense of purpose.

Show appreciation for each other 

Showing appreciation for other coworkers is an important part of creating a positive work environment. Taking the time to recognise each other's skills and achievements is essential for cultivating mutual respect and encouraging collaboration. It is also an opportunity to learn from each other, and build on existing skills.

Celebrate individual achievements

Creating ways to celebrate individual achievements helps build morale, is highly motivating and develops a happy working atmosphere. 

When someone has completed a new project or seen success with their business, it's a great time to recognise their hard work. This can be as simple as voicing your congratulations, or grabbing a celebratory drink after work.

Respect each other's ways of working

Coworking spaces tend to attract people from various professions and backgrounds, each with distinct working habits. Making a resolution to respect each others’ working patterns, will create a more enjoyable work environment. It is important to understand that what works for one member may not work for another. Working in a coworking studio requires flexibility.

Offer help and support to other coworkers

One of the best New Year's resolutions that coworkers can make is to provide support and assistance to each other. Many freelancers, and remote workers join coworking spaces because they want to collaborate, and interact with like-minded professionals. 

Offering help and support to fellow coworkers, can strengthen relationships and open up opportunities for future collaborations. It can also help build a strong sense of community.

Encourage creativity and innovation

The start of a new year is the perfect time to set some resolutions that encourage creativity and innovation.

It can be lonely being a solo entrepreneur so be prepared to offer your time to brainstorm ideas and share your knowledge with other coworkers.

Having the opportunity to do some creative thinking is a valuable asset for any business and it could lead to some innovative breakthroughs.

Some coworking studios may be able to provide dedicated areas and resources for collaborating and sharing ideas. By encouraging creativity and innovation, coworking studios will create an enjoyable environment in which to work and build a strong community.

Have fun while working together

Creating an environment where people can have fun together while working is essential for coworking studios. It helps to strengthen relationships, develop collaboration and increase productivity.

Making a New Year's resolution to organise regular activities that are designed to bring people together such as board game nights, quizzes, and shared meals will help encourage this.

Having fun together can significantly improve workplace morale and provide an environment where people look forward to coming into work.

Listen to each other

One of the most important New Year's resolutions for coworkers is to learn how to listen to each other. Listening means being engaged with what others are saying, taking into consideration everyone's point of view before arriving at a conclusion. 

It can be easy to get swept up in your own thoughts and interests, but it's important to take the time to really listen and understand each other. Meaningful conversations can deepen relationships and make future collaborations more effective. 

By listening to each other, we can discover opportunities that wouldn't have been available otherwise. If everyone feels heard and respected in a coworking setting, it can create a supportive environment that encourages collaboration.

Take on new challenges

Collaboration is key in the coworking environment and it's important for all members to have the opportunity to work together on larger projects. New year’s resolutions that centre around taking on new challenges can bring coworkers closer and expand their skillsets.

Whether it's creating content, coding, or working with a team to release a product, embracing new challenges as a group can help foster communication and relationships between members.

It helps to develop an environment, where coworkers can take risks, and develop their skillsets whilst being supported and mentored by others.

Unicorn Studios Members' Resolutions

At Unicorn Studios our members have different thoughts about creating personal New Year's resolutions. Some don't see the benefit whilst others enjoy setting goals for the coming year.

However, as a community we will build on past successes by listening, collaborating and socialising with one another, celebrating individual achievements, sharing our knowledge and providing support. 

If you are a freelancer, solo entrepreneur, or remote worker who would benefit from being part of a strong, supportive community get in touch!

We wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year! 

Benefits of joining Unicorn Studios


Work-life balance

Cost effective


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